Understanding Newboard's Interface

Tour of Newboard's User-Friendly Interface

Discover how workspaces, folders, boards, lists, and links (bookmarks) are organized in Newboard!

Workspaces: Your Virtual Collaboration Rooms

Workspaces act as your virtual collaboration rooms in Newboard, providing a central hub for organizing and sharing content with others for both personal and team projects.

Folders: Organize Boards Into Categories

Use Folders to categorize boards based on themes or projects, helping you maintain a structured approach to managing digital content and easily locate specific boards within your collection.

Boards: Manage Lists of Bookmarks

Boards are where the magic happens in Newboard, allowing you to create lists of bookmarks related to specific topics or tasks, ensuring your saved links are organized and easily accessible.

Lists: Collections of Bookmarks

Create lists within Newboard to further categorize bookmarks within a board and group related links together, providing a more organized and granular approach to managing your digital resources.

Bookmarks: Individual Saved Links

At the core of Newboard's interface are bookmarks — individual saved links that can be accessed with a single click, allowing you to build a valuable repository of resources and wave goodbye to endless browser bookmark scrolling.

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